Brief Profile

The Department of Civil Engineering has been in existence at VKIT since 2013 with an intake of 60. The faculty with highest qualification and experience trains the students in the domines of Planning, Design, Construction and Management etc. The academic activities of the Department emphasizes deep understanding of fundamental principles, development of creative ability to handle the challenges of Civil Engineering and the analytical ability to solve problems which are interdisciplinary in nature. The Department also encourages its students to engage in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, essential for development, nurturing of team spirit and developing organizational skills.

Good Practices

  • Motivating students with rewards.
  • Remedial coaching classes.
  • Value added programs.
  • Recognition and team work.


An outstanding knowledge dissemination centre through cutting edge technology to produce globally acceptable, competent Civil Engineers who will be in the forefront of planning, designing and executing Civil Engineering innovations for the benefit of mankind.


Providing continuous teaching, learning, research, Professorssionalism and ethics to students through committed faculty, state of the art infrastructure, student industry interactions and co- curricular activities to create dedicated, committed, technically sound and environmentally conscious Civil Engineers.


  • To take up challenging Professional roles successfully in industry Government and Private sectors.
  • To involve in research and higher education with zeal for lifelong learning.
  • To exhibit leadership qualities with excellent communication skills, Professionalism.

Short term goals

Department having faculty members engaged in research and consultancy activities. Department is recognized as research centre by the VTU. Highly merited students preferring Civil branch of VKIT. Improved institution level placement activity catering to Civil branch.

Long term goals

Department growing with addition of PG and PhD programs. Student intake is increased to 120 from the present 60. Additional infrastructure facility in terms of buildings and equipment to support the research activities. Department is recognized by NBA. Faculty members to work on funded projects from different agencies. Faculty members conducting National/International level seminars and conferences.

Strength of the Department

Faculties of Civil Engineering Department offers expertise in the field of


  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water resource Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Construction Management
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Applied Engineering Geology


  • Design of RC Buildings
  • Design of Steel Buildings
  • Design of Bridges
  • Design of Hydraulic Elements
  • Strength Evaluation of Old Buildings
  • Pavement Design
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Soil Testing
  • Building Material Testing
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Geological Investigations
  • Land Surveying
  • Valve Engineering
  • Scrutiny of DPR’s of roads, Bridges and Buildings
  • Third party Inspection and Monitoring (TPIM)
  • Proof Checking of Structures


  • Concrete and Highway Materials lab
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines lab
  • Engineering Geology lab
  • Geo-technical Engineering lab
  • Basic Material Testing Lab
  • Surveying practice lab
  • Environmental Engineering Lab
  • Computer Aided design lab

Head of the Department

Mr. HARISH T S   B.E., M.Tech., (Ph.D)                                              


Mr. Harish T S has been working in this institute since 2014. He joined as an Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering department and has 11 years of Teaching and 2 years of Research experience.

He obtained his Bachelor’s degree B.E in Civil Engineering in 2010 and Master’s degree M.Tech in Structural Engineering from Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 2012. Presently he is pursuing his Ph.D in Civil Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. He has attended many Workshops, Faculty development programmes and Webinars. He has guided B.E Project entitled “Unfired Soil Bricks Admixed with Coconut Coir and Waste Glass” which was awarded as “Best Project of the Year” under 44th Student Project Programme of KSCST in September 2021 organized by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science campus, Bengaluru. He has conducted various Training Programmes, Seminars and Workshops.  His area of interest is Structures, Building materials, Concrete technology & Nano materials. He is the Life Member of International Association of Engineers [Membership No.216675], Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education [LM 125688] and Life Member of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) [6563L].

Email id:
Mobile: +91 8197942065



Siddaraju N.

Assistant Professor

Pavithra S.

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Navya K S

Assistant Professor



Shivappa H.T

Lab Assistant

Rajamudi B.P.


Distinguished Alumni

Executive Officer, IBM
Ajith G
Assistant Professor, SJE Polytechnic, GOK
Assistant Engineer, KPTCL, GOK
Jilla Panchayat Officer, GOK

Departmental Activities

  • C S Shashi Kumar, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering department presented a technical paper on “Mechanical properties of high strength, high volume flyash concrete incorporating Nano materials” in workshop Challenges related to concept of new materials in construction industry” conducted by Dayananda Sagar college Engineering, Bangalore.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor, Department of CE submitted a technical paper titled “Evaluation of strength properties and high volume fly ash concrete incorporating Nano materials” at International Conference ERCAM -2019, NMIT and the same was published in Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor, and Dr. K P Nagaraja, HOD, Department of CE, submitted abstract on “ Behavior and high volume fly ash high strength concrete incorporating Nano silica at elevated temperatures” 2nd ASCE India Conference to be held from March 02/04/2020 at Kolkata and the same was accepted for presentation.
  • K P Nagaraja, HOD, Department of CE, submitted abstract on “Study on characterization of C &D waste as aggregates for rigid pavement applications” 2ndASCE India Conference to be held from March 02/04/2020 at Kolkata.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor, Department of CE and Dr. M Keshavamurthypublished a technical paper titled “Influence of high volume fly ash and Nano silica on particle packing of concrete”, The Indian Concrete Journal, June- 2019.
  • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering has published a technical paper entitled “Near surface characteristics: Hybrid fiber reinforced concrete with different aspect ratio”, in IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8. Issue-3, Page No. 1025-1028, September 2019.
  • Ranjitha K, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering has published a technical paper entitled “Derivation of unit Hydrograph and S-curve of Suvarnamukhi watershed”in IJRESM, Volume-2, Issue-6, June 2019.
  • Puneeth .M.N “Delineation of Paleo-channels for Artificial Ground water recharge – A Case study using RS and GIS ApplicationNational Seminar on Earth Resources Assessment & Management, 2015.
  • Siddaraju .N “Effect of using lime and fly ash on Marshall properties of Bituminous Concrete mix as a filler material” Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM-15, )2016.
  • Ranjitha .K “Derivation of Unit hydrograph and S curve of Suvarnamukhi Watershed” HYDRO 2015 INTERNATIONAL, 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering, 2015.
  • Varnashree M R “Experimental study on load settlement behaviour of granular pile in black cotton soil” International journal of Innovative research in science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), vol 5 Issue 2, February 2016.
  • Shashi Kumar C S, Assistant Professor Co-Coordinator for research grant of Rs.40,00,000/- under KFIST (L2) Scheme of VGST on the project proposal entitled “Developing high volume fly ash high strength concrete made with Nano materials to enhance its resistance to high temperatures”
  • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor Co-Coordinator for research grant of Rs.6000/- under KSCST Scheme on the project proposal entitled “Retapered Concrete”
  • Project proposal submitted to KSCST
    • Shashi Kumar C S, Assistant Professor, Project entitled “Behavior of HVFA Concrete incorporating Nano silica under elevated temperature
    • Shashi Kumar C S, Assistant Professor, Project entitled “Developing thermal resistant concrete made with HVFA concrete Incorporating Nano materials ”
    • Harish T S, Assistant Professor, Project entitled “ Experimental investigations on bond properties of soil bricks admixed with coconut coir and sugar cane Bagasse ash”
    • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor, Project entitled “An experimental investigation on ductility of behavior of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete”
    • Manasa M B, Assistant Professor, Project entitled “ Competitive Studies in Strength Characteristics of mono fiber and hybrid fiber reinforced concrete
  • Faculty members Harish TS, Mr. Puneeth M N, Mrs. Varnashree M R and Mrs. Ranjitha K, Assistant Professors of Civil Department visited RV College of Engineering to understand the state of the art facility available at RVCE with regards to waste water management, solid & e-waste management and rain water harvesting with the co-ordination of Mr. C S Shashikumar, Asst. Professor in Civil Engg.
  • Project proposal for construction of Rain water harvesting system at College campus was submitted to L&T under corporate social responsibility scheme.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor of Department of Civil Engineering has attended one day workshop on “Micro-Structure Characterization by SEM and XRD” conducted at Jyothi Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering has participated in “Model based system identification and its application to Civil engineering structures” organized by VTU on 30th May, 2019.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor, Department of CE, attended technical lecture on “Strategies for enhancing fire resistance and resiliency of modern concrete structures” organized by Indian Concrete Institute on 21st May, 2019.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Hands on Training in “XRD and SEM”, Centre for Incubation, Innovation, Research and consultancy, Jyothi Institute of Technology, Bangalore 2019.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Attended One day workshop on “ Model Based System Identification And Its Application To Civil Engineering Structures”, VTU, 2019
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Participated in Two days International Conference on “Impact of Global Atmospheric Changes On Natural Resources (IGACNR)”, UVCE, 2018.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Participated in Regional workshop on “Engineering challenges related to the concept of new materials in construction industry”, DSCE, 2018.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor FDP on “Advanced Training on Ansys”, SJBIT, 2018.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Training Programme on “Prefabricated Steel Building Design Concept & Structural Issues”, Organized by INSTRUCT Bangalore 2017.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Data Analysis through SPSS and its application in Environmental Engineering”, UVCEBangalore 2017.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Advanced Design of Steel Structures”, BIT, Bangalore, 2017.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Modern Trends in Concrete Technology”, UVCE, Bangalore, 2017.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor “Hands on Training FEAST-ISRO product for analyzing the structure”, Acharya Institute of Technology Bangalore 2017.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on “Implementation of outcome based Education in higher institutions” organized at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur during the period 8th – 12th July, 2019.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop on “Building Planning and Design using REVIT Software” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 10th to 12th October 2019.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop On “Landslides Due To Natural Hazards – Challenges to Civil Engineers” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 14th to 16th November 2018.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor Attended One Day Workshop on “AICTE Model Curriculum for First Year Syllabus” on 09-05-2018 at BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor Attended “Hands on Training FEAST-ISRO Product for Analysing the Structure” on 28-10-2017 at Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  • Puneeth M N, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on “Importance of Geology in Civil Engineering” organized at Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the period 12th – 13th July, 2019.
  • Puneeth M N, Assistant Professor has attended International conference on Impact Of Global atmospheric changes on natural resources ( 19th & 20th NOV 2018) organized by department of civil Engg. UVCE, Bangalore University
  • Puneeth M N, Assistant Professor has One day National Seminar on Desalination of Sea-Water and Management of Droughts, (31st Jan 2017) Bangalore University.
  • Puneeth M N, Assistant Professor has National conference Earth Resources Assessment and Management(ERAM2015) 24 &25th November 2015, Department of Applied Geology, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • Varnashree M R Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on “Software applications in Civil Engineering” organized at BMSIT and Management, Bangalore in association with Medini school of Design, Bangalore.
  • Varnashree M R Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on Current issues of Geo-Environmental Engineering”- organized at MSRIT, Bangalore.
  • Varnashree M R Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on “Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering” organized at MSRIT, Bangalore.
  • Varnashree M R, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop on “Building Planning and Design using REVIT Software” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 10th to 12th October 2019.
  • Varnashree M R, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop On “Landslides Due To Natural Hazards – Challenges to Civil Engineers” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 14th to 16th November 2018.
  • Ranjitha K, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has attended five day Faculty Development Programme on “Implementation of outcome based Education in higher institutions” organized at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur during the period 8th – 12th July, 2019.
  • Ranjitha K, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop on “Building Planning and Design using REVIT Software” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 10th to 12th October 2019.
  • Ranjitha K, Assistant Professor Attended Three Day Workshop On “Landslides Due To Natural Hazards – Challenges to Civil Engineers” organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, VKIT, Bengaluru from 14th to 16th November 2018.
  • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Non Destructive Testing Techniques for RCC Structures” organized by the department of civil engineering, at Sri Venkateshwara college of engineering, Bengaluru in association with Indian Concrete Institute on 28th and 29th September 2018.
  • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Landslides due to Natural Hazards – Challenges to Civil Engineers” organized by department of civil engineering, at Vivekananda Institute of Technology Bengaluru. On 14th to 16th September 2018.
  • Rudraswamy M P, Assistant Professor Workshop on “Building Planning and Design using REVIT Software” organized by department of civil engineering, at Vivekananda Institute of Technology Bengaluru. On 10th to 12th October 2019.
  • Manasa M B, Assistant Professor Participated in the Second International Conference on “Concrete and Construction Technology” at Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  • Manasa M B, Assistant Professor Attended a Workshop on “Evolving Prospective in Building Materials and Structuresat Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  • Manasa M B, Assistant Professor Attended a Workshop on “New Model Curriculum for first year BE/B-Tech-CBCS Detailed Syllabus (2018-19) as per Outcome-Based Education (OBE) format including Course Outcomes (CO) and Bloom’s Taxonomy” under TEQIP-1.3 for the course Engineering Mechanics under Civil Engineering at BNMIT, Bangalore organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
  • Manasa M B, Assistant Professor Attended a Workshop on “Two Days workshop on deliberation of 3-8th semester 2018 scheme, Syllabus under Civil Engineering at Bangalore Institute of technology (BIT), K R Road, V V Puram, Bangalore organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Attended GIAN Course on “Advanced Structural Dynamics” organised by College of Engineering Pune from 24th to 28th December 2018.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Attended one day tutorial on “Design Testing and Retrofitting of Structures for Earthquake Loading”, held at CPRI, Bangalore, from 27th August 2008.
  • C S Shashikumar, Assistant Professor Attended continuing Education Course on “Finite Element method” conducted during August – December 2008 under the proficiency Programme, IISC, Bangalore.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Mastering shear force and Bending moment diagrams”, 14th July, 2019.
  • Harish T S, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Engineering Mechanics”, 11th July, 2019.
  • Puneeth M N, Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Earth science for everyone”, 17th July, 2019..
  • Varnashree M R Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Engineering Mechanics”, 15th July, 2019
  • Ranjitha K,Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Stream crossing design (NY NRCS standard 578)”, 15th July, 2019.
  • Ranjitha K,Assistant Professor, Department of CE has completed online course on “Basic Hydrology”, 17th July, 2019.
  • Guest lecturing on Structural failures due to natural hazards and remedies”has been organized for the students of Civil Engineering department. The speaker of the event was Dr. N Munirudrappa, Professor, DSCE, Bangalore.
  • A Technical talk on “Seismic analysis and design of building to satisfy Indian building code  “ has been organized for the  4th, 6th and 8th semester students in the department of Civil Engineering. The speaker of the event was Mr. Bharath Gowda and Mr. Ravishankar Gowda, Structural Consultants, Bangalore.
  • Technical talk on “Concrete Basics: Theory to Practice” was organized for the 4th, 6th and 8th semester students at department of CE. The speaker of the event was Dr. Jagadish Vengala, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada
  • Civil Engineering final year students have participated in intra-college project exhibition organized by VKIT, Dr. K P Nagaraja, HOD of CE department as the chief co-coordinator and Mr. Siddaraju N, Assistant Professor, as the department co-coordinator. There were about 14 project groups had participated from the department of Civil Engineering.

    Rain Water HarvestingSystem was constructed at VKIT campus with the co-ordination of Mr. C S Shashikumar, Associate Professor and Head Civil Engineering Department in association with L&T Constructions, Bangalore. L & T Construction Company invested around 2 Lakh Rupees for construction of Rain Water Harvesting system. This initiative will improve the ground water Resources of College.

    World’s Environmental day was celebrated at VKIT on June 5th, 2020 organized by department of civil engineering in association with L & T Constructions

    More than 100 saplings were planted at VKIT campusto send a strong message to save the Environment.

    News & Events