List of Books as per department wise
Sl.No | Departments | No. of Titles | No.of Volumes |
01 | Electronics & Communications | 2178 | 9799 |
02 | Computer Science and Engineering | 1513 | 5402 |
03 | Information Science and Engineering | 794 | 4095 |
04 | Mechanical Engineering | 381 | 1855 |
05 | Civil engineering | 425 | 1552 |
06 | Basic science and humanities | 730 | 3218 |
07 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 225 | 470 |
08 | Govt. Books | 70 | 288 |
| Total | 6316 | 26679 |
Total No. of Books as per Accession Registers as on today – 26679
Total No. of Titles as per subject wise – 6316
Total No.of students and faculty Registered for VTU Consortium – 868
E- Granthalaya software V-3.0 (Open source)
VTU-Consortium e-Journals and e-Books (National and International)
Reprographic service – available
Total No. of Computers available – 20
Total Seating Capacity at VKIT Library – 180
Total No.of Daily News Papers available – 05
Inbuilt area available in Square Meters – 1318
Bound Volumes of Journals – 400