A Engineering library is a place of power, knowledge, and opportunity. It provides a gateway to Engineering & Research and a means for people to create positive changes in their lives and Communities. Vivekananda Institute of technology, library is one of the good collections & specious library in the Bengaluru city, serves as information and resource centre for the students and faculty members of the Institute

Conducted a workshop on 27th December 2023 at VKIT Campus. The title of the Workshop is “DIGITAL PEDAGOGY WITH ELECTRONIC LEARNING RESOURCES FOR ENGINEERING”

To provide the best library facilities and services to the users.

To serve as an information resource center and to develop a comprehensive collection to ensure an efficient dissemination of knowledge by utilizing latest Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
- Circulation Section: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- Reference Section : 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- Browsing Section : 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- Holiday : Sunday and Govt. Holidays
VTU Resources
Facilities & Services
- 100% Library Automation
- Automated and Bar-Coded Book Transactions
- Full-Functioned Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) & WEBOPAC Facility
- Users can carry out searches starting from ten fields (Keyword, Subject, Title, Class, Barcode, Author, Publisher, etc.)
- Users can access the library material’s details, status & shelving location
- Books Reservation Facility to Users.
- Recommendation of Books/Journals through Online.